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SPY Lock-in
2012 Lock-in Cover Sheet
2012 Lock-in Permission and Release
2012 Dodgeball Rules
SPY Dodgeball Tournament Lock-in
sponsored by St. Peter Sturgeon Bay Youth

March 10th & 11th 2012
We will be enjoying a night of Christian fellowship including games, pizza party, bible time, music, and movies. We will be having breakfast and attending our 5:00 service on Saturday.
Things to Bring:
Church clothes, toiletries (tooth paste, towel, soap, etc), sleeping bag, pillow, and tennis shoes (for the gym).
Each participant will receive a meal ticket upon arrival for the day to purchase food and drink in the amount of $5 .00.
Please send reservations by: February 1st 
Cost will be as follows: $20.00 for students / $10.00 for chaperones
Preregister by Feb. 1st  Email to : timrollin@centurytel.net or Call (920) 495-6671 and leave a message.
Doors will open at 10:00am March 10th

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