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Teen/Youth Ministry
Recommended Resources:

"Fifth Pew from the Front - The Service Zone"
     (produced by the WELS Commission on Adult Discipleship)
     *Even though this video Bible Study series was produced for adults, it gets the same points across to teens in a chessy, but fun way. You can purchase this and other Fifth Pew from the Front episodes from NPH. You can even download free printable Bible Study materials online at www.fifthpew.com

"Walk in My World - Edition One"
     (produced by the WELS Commission on Youth Discipleship)

     *This WELS produced video Bible Study series is very well done. It can be purchased through NPH.

"Walk in My World - Edition Two"
     (produced by the WELS Commission on Youth Discipleship)

     *This WELS produced video Bible Study series is very well done. It can be purchased through NPH.


1. It seems there is a great deal of stress trying to find a Bible Study leader
    to conduct a Teen Bible Study on Sunday mornings. If that is the case in
    your setting, might I suggest not having a separate Teen and Adult Bible
    Study. Combine the two and call it Teen/Adult Bible Study. This might be
    a natural way to ensure that Bible Study is something that continues for
    them beyond their teen years.

2. Many public schools free up Wednesday nights so that teens can attend
    church events. Odds are pretty good that some of our WELS teens have
    friends attending a Wednesday night Youth Group. If that is the case,
    maybe start a Wednesday night Youth Group at your church. It doesn't
    have to take major time and effort to do so. Offer some food  and 30
    minutes of Bible study followed by an hour of fun & games or even service
    oriented activities. I've found that while hanging out and playing games
    with kids some of them open up and want to talk about stuff going on in
    their life which allows you the perfect opportunity to offer Christian
    support and advice.  

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